Chloé’s Ramblings

Monday, September 15, 2008

Crafty evening

Today was a good day. I didn't started too well because I gained weight... again. But instead of making me depressed and hopeless, this weigh in made me feel energized and mad... a good (and much needed) kick in the butt!

I cleaned and re-organized my craft stuff tonight, and then did some polymere clay (fimo) pumpkins tonight. There are cooling right now, so I'll take a pic tomorrow. They turned out really cute, I'm quite proud of myself! Ok, enough teasing, wait for tomorrow and see! LOL 'Night everyone!


Anonymous said...

Busy girl aren't you. Wish I had the motivation to lose weight, but I'm too old. You keep going girl. I didn't think you were overweight at all last time I saw you.