Chloé’s Ramblings

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Well, hello there! Long time no see, uh?

I know, I know, I've been a bad bad blogger! Life has just be crazy these... days weeks months (had to check when was my last post... yep, months!), first of all because we had a huge event at work to plan: a 5 days long festival that we organized for the first time. Weeks and weeks of planning, 15 hours workdays, and a town magazine to finish in 2 days right after the festival to top it all... Fun times. And as if this wasn't enough, I had a FET (frozen embryo transfer) just after all this craziness. But all in all everything went great, the festival was a huge success, the town magazine is out, we celebrated Bastille Day yesterday evening (despite the pouring rain) and I am now in vacation for 3 whole weeks! YAY!!!

Well, the only thing that went bad during all this was my housekeeping. Our house is a complete mess. So here I am, trying to set up a plan to get things back to normal before leaving to my grandparents next week.

Here's what I'll do daily:
  • at least 15' in the office (first to clear the desk, then PPW)
  • at least 15' on e-mail (26 unread on Thursday morning)
  • at least 15' on RSS feeds (78 unread on Thursday morning)
  • at least 15' on my "dowloads" file (6.52 Go on Thursday morning)
  • at least one cleaning task (starting with the kitchen, which is a nightmare)
  • at least one load of laundry or 15' on ironing
  • clean the dishes right after every meal so that the mess doesn't come back as soon as I clear it!
  • get to bet before midnight so that I can "catch up" on some sleep
  • scrap one LO (hey, gotta add some fun in there too, right? ;)
Looks doable, right? Off to take my breakfast and get started!