Chloé’s Ramblings

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new year!!

Yep, it's 2011 already! I've had better starts into the new year, I have to admit it: I'm sick and my EHD (where I store ALL my scrap stuff) is acting crazy. Gasp!! Hopefully I can solve this problem before going back to work on Monday (and hopefully I'll get better enough to go back to work!).

Have you worked on your goals/resolutions for this year? Do you take those? Do you keep them? As usual, I'm planning to make some, starting with completing a P365... finally! I've taken my first pic today, so far so good! LOL

I've also started to work on my word of the year and resolutions, even though I'm not sure that I want to make "real" resolutions this year with all the changes that are (hopefully) coming! Maybe I'll just have weekly or monthly goals, we'll see. I'll make a decision before Monday anyway!


Nora Long said...

Happy New Year! I am with you concerning the EHD. One of mine (I have 3) was acting wonky. The problem was that it was the one with all my photos on it! I looked up the problem on line, and it said the most likely problem was the contact. So, I tore it all apart, wiped it with a tissue, and put it back together. Ta Dah!!! It works great now! The big problem is, now I feel like I need to back up my EHD on DVD. This means hours and hours and hours of work "just in case." ugh. Maybe my word this year should be perserverance!