Chloé’s Ramblings

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekend goals update

As promised, here's how went my various goals for the weekend:

  • plan next week's menus and go grocery shopping DONE
  • change cat litter NOT DONE
  • pick up the house DONE, especially the kitchen 50% DONE
  • do one or two (depending on how fast it dries) loads of laundry ONE DONE, it's not dry yet so I have no room to do a second one.
  • finish to unpack (just a couple books left) DONE
  • clean my desk DONE
  • unclutter my unread RSS folder 10 out of 45 DONE, still some work left!
  • pamper myself (I desperately need to wax my legs and give myself a good facial) NOT DONE: we ran out of fuel for our central heater, so the bathroom is way too cold for me to stay in there for more than a quick shower! LOL
  • take pix for work if the weather gets better DONE
Except for the cold temperatures that stopped me from doing much (I feel like hibernating!), this weekend was pretty good. I had more troubles completing my resolutions, though, but it's all about progress, not perfection, so I will consider myself satisfied with how it went and keep working on the items I missed this time. On this note, I'm off to bed, see you soon!


Holly in Japan said...

I love that Chloe. "Its all about progress, not perfection." Excellent thinking!

And you really are making a lot of progress!