Chloé’s Ramblings

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hold me accountable

Here is what I want to do today:
  • 2 loads of laundry: wash and hang up #1 DONE, #2 in washer
  • dry laundry: hang down, fold and put away DONE!
  • b'day card for my cousin (Joyeux anniversaire, Anne!): create, send to her, post on CT forum DONE!
  • fall LO combined with SSD challenge: create and post
  • SSD blog challenges: typing test + fast food DONE! (see above)
  • review town magazine I had to take pix instead!
  • 1 session of law studying
  • cook lunch
  • cook dinner DONE!
Well, I think I've got about everything covered... I'll update this post when I get things done!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you're well on your way. Glad you got some fun stuff in there too. Miss you girl!

Unknown said...

You need to come and help me make a to do list and actually get some things accomplished, lol! I am so's so sad, lol!

Dahlia Co said...

Ditto, what Laura said! You gotta have some fun in the mix! Studying law doesn't sound like too much fun.. :) Um.. and thanks for reminding me, I need to catch up on studying, too!

Vanessa said...

Great way to keep track, maybe I should make myself a list.