As you can see in my to do list for today, I wanted to try a Zumba class. It is new, and they had a free trial session today. So far, so good, right? Yeah, except it's free, it's back to school time (and people may be making more resolution now than in January!) and consequently the class was jam-packed. There were at least 150 people, no space left in this huuuuuge room... awful! As I arrived "only" 5 minutes early I had a place in the back, and I couldn't see anything because of the 12 ranks before me. It wouldn't be a problem if the teacher would explain what was going on... Yeah, right, in your dreams! This was probably the less teaching teacher ever, she didn't say anything but counting the steps. I felt like I was at a show to watch her shake her (terribly firm... nope, I'm not jealous) butt, not to shake my (not as firm) own. Anyway, I stayed there for about 5 minutes, did the warm up, and when I saw how terrible the instructor was, I left right away. This was really a shame.
Okay, all that ranting is pretty negative, but I'm really amazed at how bad people are at marketing. If you have a trial session, it's to make people want to join (and pay for) the real class, right? Not make them feel like idiots because they can't understand, even less make, a single step. Okay, with all the people that was there, she will probably have enough paying clients, but still... Is that really smart to be that bad of a teacher for the first (and probably the only) contact you'll ever have with some of them?? After all, I'm glad I went there because I might not have a butt as firm as her and I don't rock the Zumba steps as she does, but at least my brain looks fitter! LOL
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Let's see how I'm doing on my to-do list...
morning, midday and evening routinesmaintain e-mailand RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up withTDC and SSD+ other websites if needed15 minutes digi decluttering- 10 minutes working on my happiness project
create one LO and post ittry Zumba class with Chantal- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
Monday, August 30, 2010
Okay, hopefully I'll be able to do all I planned, since I just finished planning and it's 6:00 PM already!
morning, midday and evening routinesmaintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed15 minutes digi decluttering10 minutes working on my happiness projectclean microwavecreate one LO, post this LO + the one I did yesterday- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
Weekly plan
Back to work this morning, I feel way more in control than last week, this whole back-to-work time was quite rushed and stressful! Anyway, I still have lots of things to do this week, so here we go again!
Daily tasks:
Daily tasks:
- morning, midday and evening routines
- maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread
- catch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed
- 15 minutes digi decluttering
- 10 minutes working on my happiness project
- 20 minutes indoor bike (starting Wednesday)
- track spending (starting Wednesday)
- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
- Monday: clean microwave, create one LO, post this LO + the one I did yesterday
- Tuesday: create one LO and post it, try Zumba class with Chantal
- Wednesday: meeting at fertility center, clean downstairs fridge
- Thursday: iron while watching episode #1 of Flashforward and manicure during episode #2
- Friday: next week's menu + grocery shopping list + maybe go shopping?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Weekend plan
Since this week wasn't really productive, I have to get back on track and get some things crossed off my list this weekend. I want to catch up on the organizing I planned to do last week and I also want to get some scrapping done. SSD's challenges must be done this week, so I have to get working if I want to get the 40% discount (30 points). And there's a CT call I absolutely want to apply to!
So, without further addo, here's my to do list for this weekend:
So, without further addo, here's my to do list for this weekend:
make appt for hair salonmorning, midday and evening routineswrite down menus for next week and grocery shopping listgo grocery shopping- filing: empty my "to file" box
- 3x15 minutes on digi-organizing 1 done
finish hybrid album, print it and assemble it, take pix andpost- create 3 BOM (book of me) LOs 1 done and post
- start organizing my studying for the November exam.
- maintain RSS reader and e-mail inbox to zero unread
catch up on my fave websites- give the cat his treatement
- mend clothes if/when I watch TV
call Naniespent 1:15 on the phone... so good to catch up with my BFF!
2 loads of laundry: wash and hang up to dry
morning, midday andevening routinespampering timechange cat litter- create
2 BOM LOs +all additional LOs to get 30 points and post them BOM LOs posted post hybrid album3x15 minutes on digi-organizingfiling: empty my "to file" box- give the cat his treatement
- start working on my happiness project: review the website's "basics"
send CT applicationmaintain RSS reader and e-mail inbox to zero unreadcatch up on my fave websites + youtube- clean downstairs fridge
- iron if/when I watch TV
- clean microwave
- keep organizing my studying for the November exam.
Our friday...
... was so fun! Well, first of all, it was Friday, which is already great. And my cleaning lady comes on Friday, so I came home after work to a clean, smelling fresh, orderly home. And in addition to those already freaking cool two things, our friends Anne and Christian called to see if they could come over impromptu and we spent the evening together. It was great to see them and we had a lovely time. Of course, as I told them, an half an hour notice is great on a Friday (after the cleaning lady) but on a Thursday they should have given us a 2 hours notice! LOL I love it when good things add up like that to create even better things!! Yeepee for the good maths!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Pfew, it's been a long week. Considering how painful it is to go back to work, I'm starting to think I should not leave for vacation ever again! LOL Seriously, though, it's not that hard, I had a lot to do but I was productive and I'm 95% caught up, so this is great! Let's see how today was to-do-wise:
Daily tasks:
Daily tasks:
morning, midday andevening routines- 15 minutes digi organizing
- 15 minutes filing (my "to file" box is overflowing!)
- maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread, catch up at least once a day with my fave websites and FB
- go to bed at 22:30 max, lights off at 22:45
- Friday: plan next week's menus and grocery shopping list
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday's to do... how am I doing?
Daily tasks:
morning, midday and evening routines- 15 minutes digi organizing
- 15 minutes filing (my "to file" box is overflowing!)
- maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread, catch up at least once a day with my fave websites and FB
go to bed at 22:30 max, lights off at 22:45
- call back health insurance,
tidy up house if needed,iron while watching first episode of Flashforwardand then give myself a manicure during second episode.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday's to do's: how am I doing?
Daily tasks:
morning,midday and evening routines- 15 minutes digi organizing
- 15 minutes filing (my "to file" box is overflowing!)
maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread, catch up at least once a day with my fave websitesand FB- go to bed at 22:30 max, lights off at 22:45
tidy up kitchen, 15 minutes PPW,call back health insurancetried again, busy again,call Nanie
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Well, that's not what I call a productive day...
Daily tasks:
Daily tasks:
morning, midday and evening routines- 15 minutes digi organizing
- 15 minutes filing (my "to file" box is overflowing!)
maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread, catch up at least once a day with my fave websites and FB- go to bed at 22:30 max, lights off at 22:45
- Tuesday:
get in touch with Lydie to see how she will prepare her exam and get inspired, call back health insurancestill busy every time I try
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday to do's... how am I doing?
Pfew, it's tough going back to work! I'm been running non stop all day, even though I started 30 minutes earlier than usual. I had 150 e-mails in my inbox (plus 460 spams), a huge pile of newspapers to read, tons of things to go through, plus a meeting tonight to prepare. Next time I will give me a couple "free" days when coming back from vacation so that it's not that hectic. I'm surviving, though! ;) Of course, with all that busy-ness I had nothing else in mind than work and I'm afraid my to do list will suffer of this. Let's see...
Daily tasks:
Daily tasks:
morning, midday andevening routines15 minutes digi organizing15 minutes filing (my "to file" box is overflowing!)maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread,catch up at least once a day with my fave websites and FB- go to bed at 22:30 max, lights off at 22:45 Uh oh, considering I came home at 10:30, this isn't going to happen!
- Monday: call back health insurance it's ringing busy every time I try!,
give book back to Max,late meeting
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Weekly plan
I'm going back to work, and after a 2.5 weeks vacation, I'll be busy catching up. I already have a meeting Monday at 7:30 PM, that gives the tone of the week: it's work time! LOL
Here's what I want to do this week:
Here's what I want to do this week:
- morning, midday and evening routines
- 15 minutes digi organizing
- 15 minutes filing (my "to file" box is overflowing!)
- maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread, catch up at least once a day with my fave websites and FB
- go to bed at 22:30 max, lights off at 22:45
- Monday: call back health insurance, give book back to Max, late meeting
- Tuesday: get in touch with Lydie to see how she will prepare her exam and get inspired
- Wednesday: 15 minutes PPW
- Thursday: tidy up house if needed, iron while watching first episode of Flashforward and then give myself a manicure during second episode.
- Friday: plan next week's menus and grocery shopping list
333th blog post!
Ha... That's something, isn't it?? To celebrate, let me share Inception's trailer. I just saw the movie tonight and I absolutely loved it!
The visual effects are especially great, and as many of them as possible were done "for real", like when the world is "spinning", they were in a big set that was actually spinning, so that they were really walking on the ceiling. I really liked Di Caprio and Ellen Page (who played the leading role of Juno, another movie I loved) and the relationship between those two characters is interesting. It's directed by Christopher Nolan, who also made the fabulous "The Dark Knight". With so many good "ingredients", the results couldn't be anything but a great movie!
If you saw it, what did you think?
The visual effects are especially great, and as many of them as possible were done "for real", like when the world is "spinning", they were in a big set that was actually spinning, so that they were really walking on the ceiling. I really liked Di Caprio and Ellen Page (who played the leading role of Juno, another movie I loved) and the relationship between those two characters is interesting. It's directed by Christopher Nolan, who also made the fabulous "The Dark Knight". With so many good "ingredients", the results couldn't be anything but a great movie!
If you saw it, what did you think?
August and september goals
I really want to get back to my resolutions, and the back to school period is great for that, I find it really motivating. It's like a second New Year's Eve for me! So, my word for the year was PEACE, and here are my goals for (the remaining of) August:
- Personal: happiness project
- Job: plan the study for my exam
- Organizing: digi
- Personal: happiness project + start preparing IVF (appt, tests, ...)
- Health: 20 minutes/day indoor bike
- Job: create procedures and study for my exam
- Finances: track all my spendings
- Organizing: digi
Last day before going back to work, still a lot to enjoy and do today. Here's my plan:
Get up quite early (7:30 max) to get used to it again and be able to get up early enough for workmorning, midday andevening routines4x15 minutes on digi-decluttering3x15 minutes on office storage and organisation15 minutes on planning for my examempty my e-mail inbox and unread RSS reader andmaintaingoals: create my september reminder, send it at work to print next weekand post my goals herechange cat's litter- iron when/if I watch TV
2x30 minutes on DBF's logo- Finish the digital part of my hybrid album (photos and journaling pages) and get it printed.
- Create 3 more monthly LOs 1 done
and finish journaling for 2009 - Create one LO for SSD's portfolio
Have a BBQ with inlaws for lunchGo to see Inception with DBF
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Okay, last weekend before going back to work! I know I will be busy for the next weeks or even months at work, so I gotta get productive now to start the last 4 months of the year on a good tone! Here's what I want to accomplish today:
morning, midday and evening routines15 minutes on my goals/resolutions4x15 minutes on digi organizingget rid of 2 things on my "to do someday" pilepost on my green blog and plan 3 more posts2x30 minutes on DBF's blog design4x15 minutes on our office storagemaintain new e-mailsand get 4 old ones donemaintain RSS reader to zero unreadlaundry:wash and hang up one load, hang down dry laundry and put it away- finish the digital part of my hybrid album and print
finish the monthly LO I already started, get 2 more done 1 doneand write down journaling for 2 more months- get to bed at 11:00 max, lights off at 11:15 I'll be a bit late since I'm turning the computer off at 11:15, but it's not that bad!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ugh, today we have to go to the dentist... EEEeeeeeek! He's very gentle and it usually doesn't hurt, but I'm not looking forward to it anyway! My cleaning lady is back, and that's something to be happy about, I really hate housework! Here's what I want to accomplish today:
morning andevening routinesChantal's b'day lunch (don't forget to take card!!!)paint window shuttersdentist apptno cavities... Yahooo!!!next week's menus and grocery shopping listgrocery shopping- 2x15 minutes on my goals/resolutions
- 2x15 minutes on digi organizing
- get rid of 1 thing on my "to do someday" pile
- keep working on my hybrid album
- finish one 2009 monthly LO (yes, catching up!)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
As I said, I've been busy this morning helping DBF today. He's putting down a floor for one of his customer and I had to help with all the little things like pick up tools while he's down on the floor, go up and down the stairs to bring things, etc. I got a pretty good workout, actually. I'm so used to working hard! LOL
DBF doesn't need me this afternoon, so here are the things I want to accomplish today:
DBF doesn't need me this afternoon, so here are the things I want to accomplish today:
tidy up kitchencall insuranceback up pix and LOs on DVDfinish health PPW, I don't know how long it will take but I want to get rid of it!It's not completely done, some things are on stand by and I have to call again for other things, but at least I have a clear vision of what's going on there! Pfew!!!4x15 minutes on digi-organizingcatch up on websites andRSSmaintain new e-mails + catch up on at least 3 old ones- keep working on hybrid album
- create 2 montly LOs (gotta catch up on 2009 first)
+ write down journaling for 2 more months evening routineone LO started, journaling done for all 4 monthsiron clothes for one episodeand then give myself a manicure while watching Flashforward
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday already
I'll have to work with DBF tomorrow and be his assistant, so I have to be productive today and get a lot done! Here's my to do list for today:
morning, midday and evening routinescall insurance about glasseskeep working on window shuttersPPW:print letter and send it2x15 minutes on "to do someday" pile4x15 minutes on digi-organizingprepare lunchcall beauty salon to postpone tomorrow's appointement- prepare dinner
post yesterday's LOwork on my hybrid albumget the insurance paper and mail it
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday's to do's
My plan for today:
Morning routineMidday routine- Evening routine partly done
Run some errandsCheck my bank account report for JulyPull some weed if the weather allows itPost my last 3 LOs including the hybrid oneMake dentist appt2x15 minutes on digi-decluttering-
15 minutes on PPW 2x15 minutes on my "to do someday" pileStart working on the shutters: sandingCreate one LO
My hybrid LO
I'm so proud of it!!
And now a couple details:
So, what do you think? Am I right to be proud of it??
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The LO |
And now a couple details:
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upper left corner with ribbon, buttons and misting |
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I used silver glimmer mist and masking techniques. |
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Cute ribbon and flowers |
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stamped and embossed flower |
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stitched photo corner |
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my greatgrandma's vintage buttons |
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The bottom with distress ink and masking |
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The title, white gel pen and sticker alphas |
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another vintage button, this one is in silk... how chic!! |
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The journaling box and some more masking technique. |
So, what do you think? Am I right to be proud of it??
Monday, August 16, 2010
30 minutes!
I can't believe it. I actually scrapped a LO in 30 minutes, not one second more! Wow!!! I'm usually a slow scrapper, and some LOs take me hours, if not days. Anyway, one of this month's challenge @ SSD is to scrap a LO in half an hour, and I did it tonight! Didn't believe it was possible for me, and I even love the result:
![]() |
Credits: You Make Me Intensely Happy by Lauren Grier @ SSD, B&W photo action by Andrea Burns, DJB Merry font by Darcy Baldwin. |
So, what do you think? Pretty good for a LO that took me half the usual time, uh?
Oh, BTW that's my crazy cousin Anne and I being silly on the beach at my grandparents.
Lazy Monday
When we got up this morning, the weather was soooooo bad and depressing that we felt like crawling back in bed right away! We didn't but we enjoyed a lazy day so far... How great! I still want to get some things accomplished today (besides finishing my hybrid LO, which I already did. I'm so proud of it, I'll post later!), so here we go:
midday routine2x15 minutes on digi-organization2x15 minutes on PPW2x15 minutes on health PPWchange beddingsfrom my "to do someday" pile: plant the "love seeds" I got + make pedicure appt- prepare stuff for Anne (CD and
meds) take pix of my hybrid LOand postcreate another LO(not hybrid, it took me forever!! LOL)- check my bank account for july can't do it tonight, I gotta print it first.
unload dishwasher and then deep clean it- hang down and put away dry laundry done outside, still have inside to do
evening routineread all RSS feeds
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I had such a strange dream that it woke me up at 9 AM... even though I went to bed really late. We had a great night with our friends yesterday. They used to be good friends, he's even a childhood friend of DBF, but we didn't see each other for 5 years, I don't know why exactly. Anyway, we got back in touch recently and it was fun to be together. That doesn't make me forget about the things I want to accpomplish today, though!! ;) Here we go:
morning routinepamper time (wax legs + manicure)start office / desk reorganisation, so that I can finally craft comfortably!prepare lunchmidday routine2x15 minutes digi-organisingiron while watching "Love Happens"- scrap 2 LOs one done, another one (hybrid) started
catch up on TDC and SSDevening routine
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Saturday's to do's
Okay, I did pretty good with my list yesterdayand today will be as busy, so here we go again! Here are my to do's for today:
morning routinefinish to tidy up kitchenpick up, dust and vacuum living roomclean, vacuum and mop kitchenclean, vacuum and mop bathroomprepare lunchmidday routineclean cat's litterdust and vacuum bedroomdust and vacuum officevacuum and mop entrywaypull some weeds in hallwaybuy a little gift for our hostess tonight- make pedicure appointement
4x15 minutes digi-organizingcatch up on TDC and SSD- prepare CT application
- create one LO
- give myself a manicure not done, but at least I removed the old nail polish!
get ready for dinnerhave dinner with the K family
Friday, August 13, 2010
Today's to do's
You know how it goes: big plans, 10 days to accomplish them, and when it's time to go back to the office, you haven't done much... Well, that won't happen to me this time, because I will break down my goals into daily to do lists, so that I can keep track of my goals and work on them! It's so easy to forget what you have to do when you get lost in the internet! ;) Here's today's to do list:
morning routinetidy up walletcheck calendar, plan next week's menus and write down grocery shopping listmove everything to my "normal" purse (still have my vacation purse!)finish to unpack and put away my bagprepare lunchmidday routine- tidy up kitchen, which is a mess in progress
- 2x15 minutes on digi organizing
- iron clothes while watching "Fast Forward"
wash and hang up one load of laundry (whites)- make appointement
for a new domy stylist is in vacay! Argh! and for a pedicure mail b'day card for L.stop at charity center to donate 2 bags of clothesgo grocery shoppingcreate one LOI even got 2 done!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Still in vacation but back to work!
Yeah, I know, quite paradoxical indeed! But I have a lot to do after being gone for a week. DBF was all by himself and... how can I say that gracefully... he's not the best housekeeper in the world! I'm definitely not either, but there is some basic maintenance that I do and he doesn't. Add to that the couple projects I'd like to get done before going back to work on the 23rd, and you understand why I can't stay on my behind all day long even though I'm on vacation! LOL Okay, here's what I want to accomplish during those 10 1/2 days:
- sand and repaint all window shutters
- create a professional blog and logo for DBF started
- get my e-mail inbox and
RSS readerback to zero and maintain - get back to my daily routines
- review and work on my goals/resolutions for the rest of the year
- get all health PPW done
get all other PPW doneget rid of my "to do someday" piletidy and (finally) organize my office/craft area- organize our office's storage
- 2x15 minutes on digi organizing daily
- iron the huuuuuuge pile of clothes
get back on track with my favorites websites: TDC, SSD, youtube
- scrap at least one LO per day
- get to see the K family on Saturday 14th
- go to see "Inception" with DBF
- call my friend Nanie, my mom, my friend Céline
- plan a celebration for Lydie's b'day
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I'm back!
I had a great time, it was really great to see my grandparents and enjoy the sea (even though the weather was quite bad for a couple days). It's good to be home, too. I'll post several pix soon!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Last day before my vacay!!
Can't wait to go see my grandparents! But before I leave, I still have LOTS to do:
Woohooo, I'm proud of all I got accomplished!
tidy up kitchentidy up deskchange cat litterpick up dry clothesiron clothesprepare packing listpackjust the last minute items to add and I'll be good!stop newsletters while I'm gone(so that my e-mail inbox isn't full when I come back)empty unread e-mailsand RSScatch up with websites (TDC, SSD and FB)charge PDAand cell phonewax legs
Woohooo, I'm proud of all I got accomplished!
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