- plan menus for the week DONE!, write down shopping list DONE!, go grocery shopping DONE!, put all items away DONE!
- choose pix to print for crop and get them printed while shopping DONE!
- pack stuff for crop DONE!
- put away dry laundry (including ironed items), wash and hang up 2 loads DONE!
- tidy up desk DONE!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday to do list
This weekend to do list will only be a saturday list since I'm going to a scrapbooking crop tomorrow all day... I can't wait! But before the crafty fun begins, I have to tackle some not so fun stuff:
Thursday, January 28, 2010
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work DONE!
- clean oven will have to clean kitchen instead... my routines went out over the last couple days!
- finish to choose pix for crop
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How have I been doing over the last 2 days?
Here is what I had planned yesterday and today:
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work DONE!
- go to see Aunt Berthe at the hospital and Avatar afterwards DONE!
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work DONE!
- post important letter not done, I had to finish it first, and that's DONE!
- clean microwave
- 15 minutes filing
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday check up... how am I doing?
Pfew, that first day of work was tough... Wish I could retire already! LOL Anyway, at least I managed to be somehow productive and to keep my distance with all the insanity going around the office!
Here's what I gotta do today:
Here's what I gotta do today:
- 15 minutes workout before work DONE!
- work DONE!
- 15 minutes on PPW (DBF's tax!!!) DONE!
- plan studying for exam
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Weekly plan
Once again, here we go again... a new week, a new to do list, a new opportunity to be productive! LOL
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work
- 15 minutes on PPW (DBF's tax!!!)
- plan studying for exam
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work
- go to see Aunt Berthe at the hospital and Avatar afterwards
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work
- post important letter
- clean microwave
- 15 minutes filing
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work
- clean oven
- finish to choose pix for crop
- 15 minutes workout before work
- work
- menu + grocery shopping
- start packing for Sunday's crop
- 15 minutes on health PPW
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Where to start?
Marcia François, a terrific organizing coach (and sweet person as well!) posted today about where to start when you feel overwhelmed. I totally agree with her answer:
That's always how I decide where to start when I'm in that position. The natural tendency would be to start with the easiest thing, but the most effective is to start small but on something that makes you nuts.
I guess that's why I usually start with my bedroom, even if the rest of the house is in a worst state. My bedroom is my nest, it should be peaceful and protective and not create more stress. I don't really care if I have to wait one (or several) day(s) to see my kitchen counter surface again, as long as I can get to sleep and feel comfortable there. Actually, having this bubble of serenity in my messy house is like breathing, it makes me feel ready to "attack" the rest of the house. It's different for each person, but you always have to "scratch where it itches"!
Have a look at Marcia's blog and website, they are both full of terrific tips!!
I say start with the room that bothers you the most.
That's always how I decide where to start when I'm in that position. The natural tendency would be to start with the easiest thing, but the most effective is to start small but on something that makes you nuts.
I guess that's why I usually start with my bedroom, even if the rest of the house is in a worst state. My bedroom is my nest, it should be peaceful and protective and not create more stress. I don't really care if I have to wait one (or several) day(s) to see my kitchen counter surface again, as long as I can get to sleep and feel comfortable there. Actually, having this bubble of serenity in my messy house is like breathing, it makes me feel ready to "attack" the rest of the house. It's different for each person, but you always have to "scratch where it itches"!
Have a look at Marcia's blog and website, they are both full of terrific tips!!
A (light) to do list for the weekend
Okay, I know I've just written that I wanted to take it easy this weekend, but I still have some things to do. Luckily I got rid of some important stuff on the beginning of the week, so that's things I won't have to worry about. The other "important" items will get done this week, and the rest can wait.
Here's what I want to do over these two days:
Here's what I want to do over these two days:
- menu planning and grocery shopping (incl. putting away everything) DONE!
- put away dry laundry (incl. the ironed clothes) DONE! and wash 2 loads of laundry DONE!
- clean microwave
- unload dishwasher DONE!
- select the pix that I will take to the crop next week in progress
- 15 minutes on e-mails + normal maintenance DONE!
- 15 minutes on zips + normal maintenance DONE!
- 15 minutes on RSS + normal maintenance DONE!
- 15 minutes on PPW (other than health-related)
- 15 minutes on health PPW
- pick up the top of the dresser in bedroom DONE!
- relax, create, have fun, sleep! (that's my fave part, I'm 99.9% sure I won't procrastinate that one! LOL)
Okay, that was a crappy week!
I got sick on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday, got back to work on Thursday and felt bad again on Friday. My head was spinning for 2 hours and then I felt soooooo weak... awful. I felt like being drunk and tired after a party, without the pary! Definitely not fun! Anyway, that week is over and hopefully I'm done with the sickies for a couple months, I've had enough!! I will take it easy this weekend but I hope I'll be back on track full force next week.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Here's what I planned for the week, and here's all the tasks that I didn't do on planned day:
- call for clothes that don't fit DONE on Tuesday or Wednesday
- 15 minutes on PPW
- laundry: put away dry laundry, wash 1 load and hang it up
- 15 minutes filing
- clean microwave
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work Still sick, I chose to sleep a bit longer instead!
- work DONE!
- clean oven
- 15 minutes on PPW
- laundry: put away dry laundry, wash 1 load and hang it up
- 15 minutes filing
- clean microwave
- clean oven
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My lazy wednesday...
Still sick today, got the doc visiting me this morning: it's nothing serious, just something bad that I ate. I'm feeling better each hour, and hopefully I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow! I took lots of naps but I'm still wanting to get a good night sleep before going back to work, so off I go! 'night!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday check up... how am I doing?
Here's what I planned for the week, and here's how I'm doing today:
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work DONE!
- work DONE this morning, won't go back this afternoon: I'm sick!!
- 15 minutes on PPW
- laundry: put away dry laundry, wash 1 load and hang it up
- call for clothes that don't fit DONE!
Monday, January 18, 2010
My new boots (and POTD)
Monday check up... how am I doing?
Here's what I planned for the week, and here's how I'm doing today:
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work DONE!
- work DONE!
- call for clothes that don't fit NOT DONE! I worked hard on health PPW instead, it feels good (and it'll get me some $$$$ back from our insurance!!)
- 15 minutes on secret project DONE!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Weekly plan
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work
- work
- call for clothes that don't fit
- 15 minutes on secret project
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work
- work
- 15 minutes on PPW
- laundry: put away dry laundry, wash 1 load and hang it up
- call for clothes that don't fit
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work
- work
- 15 minutes filing
- clean microwave
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work
- work
- clean oven
- 15 minutes indoor bike before work
- work
- 15 minutes on e-mails
- plan studying for exam
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Weekend plan
Once again, I've got a lot to do this weekend:
- Laundry: hang off, fold and put away dry laundry DONE!, hang up one load DONE!, wash and hang up another load DONE!
- Clothes online shopping: pick up order DONE!, try on DONE!, prepare stuff that doesn't fit to make the call on monday DONE!, buy boots if the ones in this order don't fit Wooohooo, I love them and they fit, unlikely all the pants but one! Don't you just love a bad sizes' guide?
- Grocery shopping: plan menus for the week DONE!, write down shopping list DONE!, shop DONE!, put away ALL items DONE!
- Kitchen: unload dishwasher DONE!, put away dry dishes DONE!, hand wash dishes and load dishwasher after each meal DONE!, put away wine glasses DONE!
- Health: prepare stuff for AI treatement DONE!, 2x15 minutes on other health PPW DONE!
- Office: pick up desk DONE!, 2x15 minutes filing DONE!, 2x15 minutes on PPW / to do's DONE!
- Prepare important job letter (don't want to be too public about that one) DONE!
- Creative stuff: Sat POTD DONE!, Sun POTD DONE!, edit DONE! and post previous POTD DONE!, P365 week #0 DONE!, week #1 and week #2 LOs, catch up on SSD DONE! and TDC DONE!, 2 other LOs 1 DONE!
- send birth announcement projects to Nanie DONE!
- Sat: go to bed before 11:30 PM It's 11:23 PM and I'm shutting down the computer, so that should be ok! LOL
- Sun: go to bed before 11:00 PM It's 10:35 and I'm turning the computer down... good job!
- change cat litter DONE!
- clean oven
- prepare weekly plan DONE!
- call Dad DONE!
- 2x15 minutes on e-mails 1 DONE!
- 2x15 minutes on zip files DONE!
- 15 minutes on RSS DONE!
Here's my weekly plan, and here's what I had to do on Thursday and Friday:
- BPOTD (blog post of the day) NOT done!
- track expenses of the day DONE!
- New year's ceremony at work: work late, stress out, try to survive anyway! DONE, and I'm proud to report it all went well!
- BPOTD (blog post of the day) NOT done!
- track expenses of the day DONE!
- pick up food for dinner DONE! Thanks, DBF!!
- write down next week's menu and grocery shopping list NOT done!
- go to bed before midnight DONE!
- clean oven NOT done!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wednesday check up... how am I doing?
Here's my weekly plan, and here's what I had to do today:
- 15 minutes indoor bike I will give up on that for the week, I will try to get to bed at a decent hour instead, so that I can workout in the mornings again, I don't get it done when I plan it in the evenings!
- BPOTD (blog post of the day) DONE!
- track expenses of the day DONE!
- 15 minutes filing DONE!
- get to bed before 11:00 PM I got to bed at 11:45 PM but slept for 1 hour in front of TV before... I'll consider this a half victory! LOL
- check last month's bank report DONE!
- one load of laundry DONE!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Here's my weekly plan, and here's what I had to do today:
- 15 minutes indoor bike FORGET IT, I came home from work waaaaay too late!
- BPOTD (blog post of the day) Again, this one will have to do!
- track expenses of the day DONE!
- check last month's bank report
- one load of laundry Not done, but at least I unload the one that was in the washer for 2 days, emptied the hamper and sorted the dirty laundry. Will do one load tomorrow
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday check up
Here's my weekly plan, and here's what I had to do today:
- 15 minutes indoor bike DONE!
- BPOTD (blog post of the day) This one will have to do!! LOL
- track expenses of the day DONE!
- 2x15 minutes on PPW 2 DONE!
- catch up on websites and post LOs TDC DONE, will do SSD tomorrow!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Weekly plan
Here's what I plan to do this week:
- 15 minutes indoor bike
- BPOTD (blog post of the day)
- track expenses of the day
- 2x15 minutes on PPW
- catch up on websites and post LOs
- 15 minutes indoor bike
- BPOTD (blog post of the day)
- track expenses of the day
- check last month's bank report
- one load of laundry
- 15 minutes indoor bike
- BPOTD (blog post of the day)
- track expenses of the day
- 15 minutes filing
- BPOTD (blog post of the day)
- track expenses of the day
- New year's ceremony at work: work late, stress out, try to survive anyway!
- BPOTD (blog post of the day)
- track expenses of the day
- pick up food for dinner
- write down next week's menu and grocery shopping list
- clean oven
- go to bed before midnight
Two friends and their 2 years old daughter will come tonight for a board game party. They bring the games and the cute little girl, and I bring the food! LOL I want this to be really casual and relaxed, so I'll only make finger foods: ham/pastry rolls, shrimp butter blinis, stuffed mushrooms (with various sorts of cheese), olives, chips, salami, and as dessert we'll eat "kings' pie". It's a pastry pie with almond paste in the center, and it's eaten around January 6th, to celebrate the kings coming to see Jesus, following the star. There's a little charm hidden in it and the person who gets the charm is declared king or queen for the day. I'll try to take a pic tonight, it'll be clearer than my explanations! LOL As you guess, I'm really looking forward!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Weekend plan
Sounds like the weekend will be really snowy... Perfect to stay home and do stuff, isn't it? I've invited friends over for a board games night on Sunday, it'll be fun! Before the fun, I gotta work a little bit, so here's what I want to do this weekend:
- plan menus, write down grocery shopping list DONE!
- pick up paper at optician's, copy and send to insurance DONE!
- go grocery shopping DONE! That was tricky with all the snow, but I made it back home safe!
- exercise 15 minutes per day DONE both days
- 2x15 minutes on downstairs' fridge DONE
- 2x15 minutes on laundry room DONE
- 15 minutes on filing
- 4x15 minutes on zips and organizing DONE!
- daily maintenance + 2x15 minutes on e-mails DONE!
- daily maintenance + 2x15 minutes on RSS DONE!
- pampering time DONE
- pick up desk DONE!
- order dessert for Sunday night DONE!
- pick up dessert for Sunday night DONE!
- prepare food for Sunday night DONE
- crafts: wrapping for chocolate that I wanna give started, 4 challenge LOs (for SSD 1 DONE and TDC), P365 week #1 LO started, 2 other birth announcement for Nanie 1 DONE.
- put Christmas decorations away DONE
- change cat litter DONE!
- take starting pic for WL DONE!
- order clothes online DONE
Friday, January 8, 2010
I met the sweetest old lady
I work for our town, and I'm in charge of all the public and press relation. One part of my job is to write articles that we send to the newspapers, especially about the "great birthdays", as we call them... In proper english, when people celebrate a really old birthday. ;) Anyway, this part of my job is pretty cool, even though the old people I meet are basically all the same and don't have had extravagant lives. Except today: I met a cute little old lady who celebrated her 90th birthday at the end of December.
When she was 15 she moved to Paris and was there when the town was liberated during WWII. Then she went to New York as a nanny for a french family and met an American guy there. She married him, lived in New York for 35 years, then in Pittsburgh for 20 years after they retired. When he passed away, she came back in France to be closer to her family, brother, niece and nephews. She was just the cutest because she was talking really fast (and a lot! LOL), mixing french and english, with a great sense of humour, smart and sweet... I don't know how to express how I felt, but she was like sparkling, like a little firework, joyful and bright. I really loved meeting her!
When she was 15 she moved to Paris and was there when the town was liberated during WWII. Then she went to New York as a nanny for a french family and met an American guy there. She married him, lived in New York for 35 years, then in Pittsburgh for 20 years after they retired. When he passed away, she came back in France to be closer to her family, brother, niece and nephews. She was just the cutest because she was talking really fast (and a lot! LOL), mixing french and english, with a great sense of humour, smart and sweet... I don't know how to express how I felt, but she was like sparkling, like a little firework, joyful and bright. I really loved meeting her!
Friday check up... how am I doing?
My weekly plan is here. Let's see how I'm doing today:
- work DONE!
- evening doc appt we won't go, DBF is sick!
- plan weekend to do DONE!
- go to watch Avatar in 3D we won't go, DBF is sick!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday's check up... how am I doing?
Here's my weekly plan, and that's my to do for today:
- AM doc appt DONE!
- work PM DONE!
- 2x15 minutes on downstairs' fridge
- buy bread for dinner DONE!
- 2x15 minutes on laundry room
- 15 minutes on filing
Doc appt
So, we just came back from our doc appt. We're TTC since August 2008 and we've discover we both have issues. Long story short, we won't have babies naturally (except for a miracle), so we've started a medical procedure. It was long (about 6 months), sometimes painful, stressful, nerveracking, but it's coming to an end, and a fairly happy end! Today was our last appointement before we start our first AI cycle. No, not "artificial intelligence"... "Artificial insemination"!! LOL We met the biologist that explained us once again what will happen exactly, we got the chance to ask the 132'654'795'198'474 questions we had (especially me!) and we set up a date to start the procedure!
At first we wanted to start in February, but this first cycle of procedure would happen exactly when I have a HUGE professional even to organize. Considering that stress and TTC don't work well together, the doc told us that it was better to postpone. We've been waiting for almost 2 years, we can wait 1 month more, can't we? So, we decided to start the first cycle in March. I cannot wait, as you can imagine!
At first we wanted to start in February, but this first cycle of procedure would happen exactly when I have a HUGE professional even to organize. Considering that stress and TTC don't work well together, the doc told us that it was better to postpone. We've been waiting for almost 2 years, we can wait 1 month more, can't we? So, we decided to start the first cycle in March. I cannot wait, as you can imagine!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Why I feel lucky
On Monday I got back to work. I was feeling really happy, optimistic, energize, enthusiastic. I know, it might be weird for a first day of work after Christmas break, but I just was. Everyone was surprised to see me in such a good mood, even though I'm not the grumpy kind usually, and I explained to them that I feel lucky: I have a family, a boyfriend and wonderful friends that I love dearly, I have a house that I can make into a home, I have a job that I don't hate too much most days, I'm fairly healthy... Why on earth would I be grumpy?? It was fun to see how telling all that made people happier and smiling more, though!!
Okay, that was my moment of zen, you can now go back to your normal life! LOL
Okay, that was my moment of zen, you can now go back to your normal life! LOL
Wednesday check up... how am I doing?
Here's my weekly plan, and that's my to do for today:
- 15 minutes on health PPW (from yesterday's list) DONE!
- 15 minutes on laundry room (from yesterday's list)
- work DONE!
- buy bread for dinner Oooops, I forgot! Nevermind, I'll make another dinner instead!
- 15 minutes on laundry room
- 15 minutes on filing
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Tuesday check up... how am I doing?
Here's my weekly plan, and that's my to do for today:
Hope you enjoyed your day too!!
- BPOTD (blog post of the day) Hehehe, at least I got one with this one! LOL
- work DONE!
- 15 minutes on health PPW
- 15 minutes on laundry room
Hope you enjoyed your day too!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Got the cutest love note EVAH!!!
Monday check up... how am I doing?
My weekly plan is here. Let's see how I'm doing today:
- POTD (picture of the day) Done!
- back to work Done!
- go to doctor's office to pick up papers Done!
- 15 minutes on home office
- send b'day card to Camille
Project 365
Yep, despite getting about 130 pix out of 365 last year, I'm back at it again this year! Hopefully I'll do better and, more important, enjoy the process! I don't want to take pix because I "have" to, I want to take them because I love to and because I want to remember those moments.
I'm not naive, though, I know there'll be days when I'll fail or be clueless about what pic I could take. That's why I've already bookmarked some useful pages or blog posts, like this one, this one or this one @ SSD. Still need to set up a plan, but I guess I'll get to it when I get stuck, as usual! Who said "procrastinator"?? LOL
My first pix are posted in the slideshow on the right.
I'm not naive, though, I know there'll be days when I'll fail or be clueless about what pic I could take. That's why I've already bookmarked some useful pages or blog posts, like this one, this one or this one @ SSD. Still need to set up a plan, but I guess I'll get to it when I get stuck, as usual! Who said "procrastinator"?? LOL
My first pix are posted in the slideshow on the right.
This week's plan
Okay, since this system makes wonders for me, I'll keep posting my plan / to do for the week and update what gets done and what doesn't.
- POTD (picture of the day)
- back to work
- go to doctor's office to pick up papers
- 15 minutes on home office
- send b'day card to Camille
- BPOTD (blog post of the day)
- work
- 15 minutes on health PPW
- 15 minutes on laundry room
- work
- buy bread for dinner
- 15 minutes on laundry room
- 15 minutes on filing
- AM doc appt
- work
- 2x15 minutes on downstairs' fridge
- work
- evening doc appt
- plan weekend to do
- go to watch Avatar in 3D
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New year, new resolutions
As almost everyone, a new year makes me feel hopeful and ready for change. As almost everyone again, my motivation doesn't last very long and (logically) my resolutions sometimes stay wishes and don't get real!
In 2009, I wanted to
The word/theme I picked for 2010 is PEACE, and here are my "resolutions":
I will hence create monthly goals (or plans) to achieve those resolutions, and hopefully create the peace I'm craving for.
Here are my goals for January:

Credits: Cherry Snap by Fee Jardine, torn paper template by Steph Krush, stamped alphas by Valerie Fowler (peace) and by Michelle Coleman (various categories of goals), fonts are CK Kimono and Century Gothic.
I'll post regularly to let you know how I'm doing!
What are your resolutions/goals/theme for 2010?
In 2009, I wanted to
- Thighten my relationship with the ones I love and develop my "internal life" (creativity, personal interests, culture). I will consider this a success: I took care of my loved ones, said "I love you" to many of them for the first time, sent b'day cards and little gifts for b'days as a way to say "I'm thinking of you", I started hybrid crafting and developped new skills.
- Get to a healthy BMI, that is below 72 kg (158 lbs). Definitely not a success, but thanks to the horrible weight gain, I discovered my medical condition and got "armed" to improve my health in 2010 (new doctor, amongst other things!)
- Decide where I want my career to move forward and take at least 2 steps in that direction. I'd say a half success: I managed to learn what I DON'T want to do and that's already a big step. I also learned to take my distance and balance my personal and professionnal lives, which is a huge improvement too. Finally, I took one exam that might help me move forward if I passed it!
- Get educated about finance managing, define a budget, stick to it and adapt it to big changes in my life. Success, even though I didn't define a budget until the end of the year. 2010 will be a test year to practice my new skills! LOL
- Create order, beauty and peace in my home and be able to maintain neatness without too much effort Half success again: even though my house never was (and never will be) picture perfect, it's getting easier and easier to maintain a liveable space and the right amount of organisation.
The word/theme I picked for 2010 is PEACE, and here are my "resolutions":
- Personnal: grow, wise, serenity
- Health: feel good, feel comfortable and at peace with my body, feel healthy
- Job: peaceful relationships, distance (it's just a job!!), evolve and grow.
- Money: manage it better so that I feel "secure"
- Organisation: have a home, not just a house, and create a peaceful nest for our family
I will hence create monthly goals (or plans) to achieve those resolutions, and hopefully create the peace I'm craving for.
Here are my goals for January:

Credits: Cherry Snap by Fee Jardine, torn paper template by Steph Krush, stamped alphas by Valerie Fowler (peace) and by Michelle Coleman (various categories of goals), fonts are CK Kimono and Century Gothic.
I'll post regularly to let you know how I'm doing!
What are your resolutions/goals/theme for 2010?
Avatar, here we come!
I just discovered that our favorite theater has Avatar in 3D! I was certain they didn't have the 3D! Good thing I checked, uh? We were planning on going there tomorrow but I can't stay awake until midnight when I'm working on the next morning, so I'll ask DBF if he wants to see it this afternoon.
ETA: we'll see it Friday evening, since I don't work on Saturday!
Have you seen it? Was it in 3D? Did you like it?
On another note, I just ordered an indoor bike... hopefully we'll finally get healthy this year. That's a first step already!
ETA: we'll see it Friday evening, since I don't work on Saturday!
Have you seen it? Was it in 3D? Did you like it?
On another note, I just ordered an indoor bike... hopefully we'll finally get healthy this year. That's a first step already!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
That girl is a pure genius!!!
I just discovered Color Me Katie thanks to SSD's challenges (the new system is terrific, BTW!), she's just A. MA. ZING!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Weekend plan
Here's my list for the rest of the week (I was in a trip on the first days and just came back yesterday):
- 2 loads of laundry: wash, unload and hang up DONE!
- change cat litter DONE!
- download and tag pix from the trip DONE!
- create watermark for 365 pix DONE!
- finish my 2010 resolutions DONE! and monthly plan for 1st trimester DONE!
- create LO for january plan DONE!
- create template for weekly P365 LOs DONE!
- take pic everyday and edit for P365: 01/01 DONE! - 01/02 DONE! - 01/03 DONE!
- post pix for P365: 01/01 DONE! - 01/02 DONE! - 01/03 DONE!
- prepare plan for next week DONE!
- catch up on e-mails DONE! + 3x15 minutes DONE!
- catch up on RSS DONE! + 3x15 minutes DONE!
- 6x15 minutes on zips and organizing DONE!
- create 1 birth announcement's project for Nanie DONE!
- create menu plan for next week DONE!
- go grocery shopping DONE!
- pick up house: living room DONE!, kitchen DONE!, bathroom DONE!, bedroom DONE!, office
- unload dishwasher DONE!
- back up pix DONE! and LOs DONE!
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