I'm soooooo behind with blogging! I'm on vacation this week so I enjoy catching up on everything: housework, house remodeling paperwork (much needed!), scrapping, everything! I'll post all my recent LOs (probably) tomorrow, but before that I want to catch up on SSD's From Our Blog To Yours challenges. Sooooo, here we go!
June 26th, Angela asked us to post about our favorite birthday year... Mmmm, I think my fav years were my late teenage ones, between 17 and 20 years old. I had so much fun, and I remember that time of my life as a worries-less moment. I definitely had worries, but they weren't THAT serious, and I was really not as stressed as I am now. Still, I think I love every part of my life so far: childhood, teenage, young adult, young couple life, and now that we are slowly getting ready to build a family. Ok, enough rambling! LOL
July 3rd, Meghan gave us a fun test to do. Here's my result:
What Your These Fireworks Say About You

You are jubilant and easily excited.
While you aren't very intense or passionate, your happiness is abundant.
You can always find cause to celebrate, laugh, or even just smile to yourself.
You find that life is full of things to be happy about!
Yep, I guess that's me... especially the last sentence! ;-)
July 10th, Karrina just came back from vacation and asked us what our favorite vacation spot is, or what our dream vacation spot would be. As much as I love my dear Normandy, where I spent aaaaaaall my summers until I turned 16, I would love to find a place with a bit more sun (when it rains there, you're stuck in the house for days!) and big cities around... Like Paris on the beach, you know? That would be the perfect spot for me because I love to relax and do nothing, but not for a very long time.
July 17th, Mimi started to think about summer jobs and asked us to post about the ones we had as teenager. I used to work as babysitter when I was 16-17 years old (including one trip to South Italy with a crazy woman and her 2 brats... errr, I mean children). The summer before I turned 18, I started to work as waitress in bars and restaurants. The first 2 places I worked in were great, quite classy, with good bosses, but the last 2 were much less chic. I even worked in a bar right in front of a military base where the young soldiers had a free night every Tuesday. I saw them running from the other block to my bar, ready to drink as much beer as they could during those 2 free hours... I never imagined a human being could absorb that much liquid in such a short time! LOL
last week Meghan wondered what kind of music we are... Here is my result:
You Are Country Music

You are friendly, down to earth, and fairly conservative.
You are true to your friends and your upbringing. Change is hard for you.
But beneath your old fashioned attitude, you are expressive and artistic in your own way.
Very few people can express pain and pleasure as eloquently as you can.
Those tests are usually pretty accurate, but this one is definitely not! LOL