Chloé’s Ramblings

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Goals review

Here were my May goals and my success percentage in each one:
  • Personal stuff: happiness project 5%
  • Healthy living: 20 minutes workout every day 95% (until my IUI, after it I didn't take the risk) and track food at least 15 days in the month 0%
  • Job: create procedures and routines 20%
  • Finances: check with banks to see if we can set up a better system (fees, practical side, ...) 50%
  • Housework and organisation: reformat computer 100% and practice evening routines 50%
 Well, that's far from great, but as FlyLady says: progress, not perfection!

Here are my goals for June:

  • Personal stuff: happiness project let's try this again!
  • Healthy living: 20 minutes workout every day (unless I'm post IUI)
  • Job: create procedures and routines
  • Finances: long term stuff
  • Housework and organisation: practice evening routine and digi-decluttering
It's gonna be a busy month at work, but I can do this!