Chloé’s Ramblings

Monday, March 1, 2010

Positivity journal - 03.01

Okay, I wanna try something. I've noticed that I tend to be negative often, and that affects me in too many ways, making feel down, sad, bad. I want to try something for the month of march, and see if it boosts my happiness. It can't hurt anyway, so here's the deal: I'll try to journal every night and see the bright side of things. Finding the not so good part of an event is pretty easy, but it really hurts your spirit in the long term, so I'm ready to make the little extra step and find something positive even in the worst situations.

Let's start... Today, I
  • did the right thing (helping Aunt Berthe) even if it wasn't the most pleasant one,
  • met an old lady who was really gentle and soft, she made a strong impression on me
  • stopped twice before getting angry and mad (at myself or at others): the problems where not that bad that they deserved me to get stressed out and nervous. It was hard (I'm so quick at getting angry) but I succeeded! Go me!
Well, that's a pretty good start, isn't it? I'm not sure I'll have time to post on this blog every evening, but I'll try to journal positively one way or another... In French we say "no matter the bottle, as long as you get the wine", so "no matter where you journal as long as you can celebrate positive things"! (Actually, the real saying is more like "as long as you get drunk", but nevermind! LOL)

Have a good night everyone!


Charla said...

I love this! Great quote (like your paraphrase ;) and think it's an awesome goal. I'm going to try to join you!

Jacinda said...

Good on you for doing this, and well done on your day one. They are definite accomplishments.

Heather T. said...

*giggles* Yes, get positively drunk, not maudlin!! Great idea, Chloé...

Jennifer said...

I love this idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

Sylvia Blum said...

What a GREAT idea! And I feel for you! I'm also someone who gets angry or sad very quickly - so I think this would be a great thing to do for me, too!
Way to go, Chloé .. I will come back to read more positive things about your life!!! :)

Ebony Arwen said...

I like this idea of listing the positivity in your day. I try to keep everything positive over at my little corner of blogspot - but maybe I'll make an effort to actually record the little things like this :)

Love your space!