This week will be busy at work with the town magazine to finish and get printed, the Holiday cards to get ready and especially the contact list (400 contacts!) to update. Anyway, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do in the house with all that busy-ness at work, so I'll try to keep it light so that I don't set myself up for failure. Here's what I want to do:
- Everyday: morning, midday and evening routines (especially dishes after each meal)
- Monday: get back on track with P365 project + wrap Christmas gifts DONE
- Tuesday: iron while watching Braquo DONE
- Wednesday: digi-organisation: tag recently purchased kits, RSS reader, etc.
- Thursday: finish digi-organisation
- Friday: plan next week's menus and grocery shopping list
Even though I love having a weekend free of chores and go grocery shopping on Friday night, I'll probably have a couple gifts left to buy in a more distant shop, so I'll have to go there on Saturday.
Oh, and since it's been forever since I shared some LOs, here are a couple of my most recent ones:
I got a couple "Gallery standouts" with this one! Yay!! |
As usual, check
my gallery for full credits.
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