It's messti time in my town. "Messti" is the alsatian word for fair, and it's a big event in our small community. There are roundabouts all over the town, even big carousels (the make-you-puke style... lovely! LOL) Anyway, between that and lots of work to do, I'm so busy I didn't even make my usual weekly plan. I have it in my head, though, I know what I want to accomplish (besides surviving the huge workload, that is): maintain my routines, get back to eating more healthy again, scrap and enjoy some me-time. I don't plan to be more detailed this week... and probably for a more couple weeks too, 'cause the workload isn't going to get lighter anytime soon. I've already scrapped one LO every day since 4 or 5 days... not bad, uh? ;)
Oh, and I've been catching up on the Paperclipping Digi Show, love it!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
morning, midday andevening routine (especially the dishes!!)- min. 20 minutes workout
maintaine-mail and RSS reader to zero unread- catch up with TDC, SSD
and other scrap site - 10 minutes on my happiness project
iron when/if I watch TV15 minutes digi-organizing
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
morning, midday andevening routine (especially the dishes!!)min. 20 minutes workoutmaintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC, SSD and other scrap site10 minutes on my happiness project- iron when/if I watch TV
- 15 minutes digi-organizing
filing (empty my to-file box)
So, the Tae Bo class was led by a Kick Boxing instructor, not the usual one, and I could notice the difference, this one was much more into the "martial art" part, not so much the fitness part. It was fun, though, but I slightly prefer the usual teacher.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
morning, midday andevening routine (especially the dishes!!)- min. 20 minutes workout I was too tired, slept in this morning and didn't feel like it tonight
maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up withTDC, SSDand other scrap site- 10 minutes on my happiness project
- iron when/if I watch TV I slept instead... no comment!
- 15 minutes digi-organizing
15 minutes PPW
Monday, September 20, 2010
morning, midday andevening routine (especially the dishes!!)- min. 20 minutes workout
maintain e-mailand RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC, SSDand other scrap site10 minutes on my happiness project- iron when/if I watch TV
- 15 minutes digi-organizing
pick up kitchen and rest of the house after my lazy weekend
The week ahead
Ugh, it's so hard ot go back to work today. The double workday (15 hours... I'm still in shock!) I had on Friday probably has to do with it, but still, knowing why doesn't help: I'm having a hard time. I have to work, and I have a lot to do, though, so I can't afford being lazy. Here's my plan for this week:
Daily tasks:
Daily tasks:
- morning, midday and evening routine (especially the dishes!!)
- min. 20 minutes workout
- maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread
- catch up with TDC, SSD and other scrap site
- 10 minutes on my happiness project
- iron when/if I watch TV
- 15 minutes digi-organizing
- Monday: pick up kitchen and rest of the house after my lazy weekend
- Tuesday: 15 minutes PPW
- Wednesday: filing (empty my to-file box)
- Thursday: go to Tae Bo class (the Wednesday one is cancelled this week)
- Friday: plan next week's menus and write down grocery shopping list
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What a week!
Ugh, I'm so glad it's over. I had the busiest week at work since a loooooong time. Lot of planning for yesterday's "associations day", which ended up being a 15 hours workday: 8 AM - 11 PM. No surprise I was absolutely exhausted by the time I came home. My legs were feeling like stones, so heavy and stiff.
Anyway, I'm in recovering mode this weekend and I'll try to do the bare minimum of un-fun stuff. Yeah, I make up words, is that a problem? LOL
Here's my plan:
Anyway, I'm in recovering mode this weekend and I'll try to do the bare minimum of un-fun stuff. Yeah, I make up words, is that a problem? LOL
Here's my plan:
next weeks' menus, grocery shopping list, go shoppingchange beddings('cause the cat threw up in our bed Friday evening... delightful! I made some emergency clean up so that I could crash asap, but it's only temporary.)change cat litter- 15 minutes PPW
call my brother for his b'day2 loads of laundry: wash and hang uppick up and put away dry laundrydinner out with friend on SaturdayI had such a great time. We hadn't seen each other since quite a long time and it was fun to catch up with everyone. And the best part is that we didn't spent all evening talking about work (they are collegues and ex-collegues) and gossiping about people that don't deserve that much of our time... Fun evening!make reservation for next week's family lunch- pamper myself
scrap some (2009 monthly LOs catch up)some digi-organization if I feel like it
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
So far... so bad!
Okay, forget about my big plan, I'm already guessing that I'll be happy if I can end this week without eating out every meal and without having a whole big mess instead of a liveable house. I'm so stressed and busy at work that I feel totally exhausted by the time I go home. I feel drained and I have absolutely no energy to do anything but zone on the couch or in front of computer. I really don't like feeling this way but sometimes you just have to focus on surviving and not doing great! That being said, I'm off to bed!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ugh, I got up at 5 AM thinking about work! Not dreaming, it was even more weird: I was sleeping and all suddenly I was awake, the transition was really soft and unnoticed but I couldn't go back to sleep, probably precisely because it was so soft. With the long (and no-nap-opportunity) day ahead I don't think it's a good idea! Anyway, here's my plan for today:
- morning, midday and evening routine
20 minutes workout (indoor bike)- maintain e-mail to zero unread
- organize party with friends
doc appt at 2 pmlate meeting at work
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Weekly plan
Once again, I have a busy week ahead with a big event on Friday night, so I gotta stay focused on my priorities and keep practicing my routines diligently if I want to make it without getting insane!
Here's my plan for the week:
Daily tasks:
Here's my plan for the week:
Daily tasks:
- morning, midday and evening routine
- 20 minutes workout (indoor bike or Tae Bo)
- maintain e-mail to zero unread
- Monday: organize party with friends, doc appt at 2 pm, late meeting at work
- Tuesday: check scrap sites, maintain RSS feed to zero unread, 15 minutes digi-organizing, organize other party with other friends, change cat litter
- Wednesday: 15 minutes digi-organizing, first Tae Bo class, 15 minutes PPW
- Thursday: 15 minutes digi-organizing, check scrap sites, maintain RSS feed to zero unread, iron while watching 24 (last season, we're sooooo excited!!)
- Friday: work late and survive without killing anyone... Now THAT's a challenge! ;)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday and Friday + weekend plan
I've been really lazy on Wednesday evening and Thursday, doing nothing but watching TV. BTW, we saw Flashforward's last episodes... So much suspense, I thought I'd die! And the worst part is that there isn't a season #2! Argh!! Okay, TV rant over! ;)
Anyway, I got a phonecall on Friday midday that my cleaning lady couldn't come in the afternoon because she's sick. Don't blame me, I'm sorry for her, but I'm even more sorry for me because I'll have to clean the house and I really REALLY don't like it. I can iron for 2 hours, do the laundry, but cleaning the house... Yuck!!! What make it worse is that I have to take pix for work all day today (saturday) so I don't know when I'll have time to clean. Consequently, my Friday was way less lazy that the 2 other days: I had to write down next week's menus and my grocery list, then go shopping. After that I just sat on the couch and fell asleep around 9:30. I'm so tired already, can't imagine how I'll be when December comes! LOL
Here's what I want to do this weekend:
and may 2009:
Anyway, I got a phonecall on Friday midday that my cleaning lady couldn't come in the afternoon because she's sick. Don't blame me, I'm sorry for her, but I'm even more sorry for me because I'll have to clean the house and I really REALLY don't like it. I can iron for 2 hours, do the laundry, but cleaning the house... Yuck!!! What make it worse is that I have to take pix for work all day today (saturday) so I don't know when I'll have time to clean. Consequently, my Friday was way less lazy that the 2 other days: I had to write down next week's menus and my grocery list, then go shopping. After that I just sat on the couch and fell asleep around 9:30. I'm so tired already, can't imagine how I'll be when December comes! LOL
Here's what I want to do this weekend:
morning, midday and evening routineclean housetake pix for work:morning + afternoon2x15 minutes digi organizing- call our friends to organise a party in a couple weeks
catch up withTDC, SSDand my other scrap sitee-mail inboxand RSS reader back to zero unread- create 2 LOs and post
morning, midday andevening routinepampering session- clean oven
2x15 minutes digi organizing15 minutes on PPWunload dishwashercatch up with FB and do some "FB-decluttering" to have less to catch up on- change cat litter
wash, hang up outside, hang down when dry and put away 1 load of laundrypick up and put away dry laundrywash and hang up inside 1 load of laundrycreate 2 LOsapril 2009 monthly LO... catching up! :
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Credits: Christine Smith (DSO color challenge 08/2009), background pp by Sara Amarie, Andrea Burns' photo action, Century Gothic font |
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Credits: background pp by Sara Amarie, red pp by Kimberly Giarrusso, stitching by Zoe Pearn, torn pp template by Steph Krush, Andrea Burns' photo action, Century Gothic font. |
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
morning,midday and evening routines20 minutes indoor bikeclean downstairs fridge (finally... I've been postponing this forever!)maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC and SSD daily+ other websites if needed- 15 minutes digi decluttering
- 10 minutes working on my happiness project
track spending- iron when/if I watch TV
- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
morning, midday andevening routines20 minutes indoor bikemaintaine-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up withTDC and SSD daily+ other websites if needed- 15 minutes digi decluttering
- 10 minutes working on my happiness project
track spendingiron when/if I watch TV- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
hair salon apptfeels good to look human again! ;)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Let's see how I'm doing today:
morning, midday and evening routinesmaintain e-mailand RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed15 minutes digi decluttering10 minutes working on my happiness project20 minutes indoor bikerun dishwasher and unload ittrack spendingiron when watching The Pacificpick up kitchenclean cat litterwash and hang up one load of laundry, hang down when dry and put it awaygo to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Weekly plan
A lot to do this week again, as usual. I'd better get used to it 'cause it will stay the same until Christmas... at least! Yeepeeee! LOL
Here's what I want to accomplish this week:
Daily tasks:
Here's what I want to accomplish this week:
Daily tasks:
- morning, midday and evening routines
- 20 minutes indoor bike
- maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread
- catch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed
- 15 minutes digi decluttering
- 10 minutes working on my happiness project
- track spending
- iron when/if I watch TV
- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
- Monday: run dishwasher and unload it, pick up kitchen, clean cat litter, first episodes of The Pacific
- Tuesday: hair salon appt... finally getting my hair done, it was about time!
- Wednesday: clean downstairs fridge
- Thursday: pick up house if needed, 15 minutes PPW, Flasforward's last episodes!!!
- Friday: write down next week's menus and grocery shopping list, go shopping (because I have to work on Saturday and I won't be able to go shopping).
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Finally the weekend!
I feel like this week wasn't ending! Yeepeee for weekend!! I've already done the most boring task of the day (grocery shopping) and I'm really excited about that! Let's see what else I'm planning for the weekend:
menu planning + grocery shoppingtidy up purse and wallet20 minutes workout every daynot done on Saturday, but I caught up on Sundaytake pix for work on Sunday morninggive his meds to the catchange beddingswash and hang up 2 loads of laundrypampering time- 15 minutes on PPW
- 4x15 minutes on digi-organizing 1 done (RSS starred posts cleaned)
track spendings every day- create 4 LOs and post them 2 done
- clean downstairs fridge
- clean cat's litter
check monthly bank report
Friday, September 3, 2010
Friday... lazy!
Mmmm, I didn't do a lot today. I had a busy and stressful day at work. Even though I felt like I was running everywhere, I didn't get a lot accomplished. I hate that kind of days. And the worst part is that there's not much I can do about it: those unexpected tasks are usually added by my bosses, and they are definitely very important to them, so I can't say no. But I still know that there are other tasks that I should be doing and I know that my bosses will ask about those tasks in a couple days or week, and saying "I couldn't do X because you asked me to do Y" won't be accepted. Paradoxical and oh so frustrating. Anyway, all that to say that I don't feel great after such a day.
Okay, back to my to do list:
Okay, back to my to do list:
morning, midday andevening routinesmaintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed15 minutes digi decluttering10 minutes working on my happiness project- 20 minutes indoor bike
- next week's menu + grocery shopping list + maybe go shopping?
track spending- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It's back to school day here in France... I just can't believe it!!
Let's see how I'm doing with my to-do list
Let's see how I'm doing with my to-do list
morning, midday andevening routinesmaintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed- 15 minutes digi decluttering
10 minutes working on my happiness project- 20 minutes indoor bike
track spending- clean downstair's fridge (not done yesterday)
iron while watching episode #1 of Flashforward and manicure during episode #2- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The cutest ad ever!
I just love this ad for the "soccer channel", who shows all french, british and spanish soccer matches. The kid cries for his "ballon" (ball) and it says "don't cry, football season is back at last". The end is just so cute!
Can you believe it's the first day of september already?? I'm in shock! Good news is: I managed to get 30 points in SSD challenges, which mean I'll get a 40% discount... Mmmmm, I see some shopping coming! LOL
Let's see how I'm doing with today's to do's:
Let's see how I'm doing with today's to do's:
20 minutes indoor bikemorning,midday and evening routinesmaintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unreadcatch up with TDC and SSD daily + other websites if needed- 15 minutes digi decluttering
- 10 minutes working on my happiness project
meeting at fertility center- clean downstairs fridge
track spending- go to bed at 10:30, lights off at 10:45
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