Chloé’s Ramblings

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


  • morning, midday and evening routine (especially the dishes!!)
  • min. 20 minutes workout
  • maintain e-mail and RSS reader to zero unread
  • catch up with TDC, SSD and other scrap site
  • 10 minutes on my happiness project
  • iron when/if I watch TV 
  • 15 minutes digi-organizing
  • filing (empty my to-file box)
Good news of the day: my Tae Bo class isn't cancelled after all!! Yay!!

So, the Tae Bo class was led by a Kick Boxing instructor, not the usual one, and I could notice the difference, this one was much more into the "martial art" part, not so much the fitness part. It was fun, though, but I slightly prefer the usual teacher.